Hamantaschen; They are so much more than Pastry.


 It’s impossible to talk about Hamantaschen without bringing up the Holiday of Purim. In the Ashkenazi Jewish tradition these triangular pastries are called (“Haman’s pockets”) or some call them Oznei Haman (“Haman’s ears”). They are based on the biblical story of how a woman outsmarted a terrible man named Haman. Esther, with the help of her Uncle Mordicai saved the day!


For most of us, Purim is the holiday where you dress up in costumes (think Jewish Halloween without the scary stuff), gift baskets to those you love and for charity, all children (and adults too) are encouraged to make as much noise as possible with a special noise maker and of course our much loved Hamantaschen.

The Orgin Story of Hamantaschen

Or The Poppy Pocket


-are traditionally filled with poppy seeds (now other fillings) and have been a part of Purim celebrations for centuries.

By the end of the 18th century, a new cook craze in Europe, specifically Germany was all the rage, pockets of dough with poppy seeds. They were Called Mohn Taschen, which is german for poppy pockets. They soon became the go-to treat for Purim because Mohn sounded like Hamon, and a pun was born! (Ha) Mohn Taschen!

So is it the hat or the ear?

The Book of Esther does not mention anything about Haman’s headgear. Any traditions regarding what hat Haman wore on his head would have come from Purim shpiels – plays in which Haman was often portrayed wearing a hat.

(in Israel, they simply went with the ears reference, hence the difference in the name)


By Yehuda Shurpin http://www.chabad.org/holidays/purim/article_cdo/aid/2872815/jewish/The-History-and-Meaning-of-Hamantaschen.htm


by Elon Gilad


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